My Story

Hi, I’m Lindsay.

I am a single mom of 2 beautiful angels, of which there are endless pet names for.

I am a multiple business owner, entrepreneur, entertainer... and DREAMER!

In 2020, I found myself in my 30s, divorced, a single mom of 2, living in my parents’ house, during a pandemic, on maternity leave, and working at a grocery store, (pumping in the utility closet) because I didn’t know if I had a job to go back to, due to the pandemic, living paycheck to paycheck, thought my life was over, filled with grief, hopelessness and TERRIFIED.

That summer I took my son to a free karate class a friend invited us to. I inquired about signing my son up for lessons and I couldn’t afford it.

NO. The answer is NO. That is NOT HOW THIS STORY ENDS.

So I got to work and rewrote my story.

In the next 6 months, I was able to: Buy a home, Start a business, Double my income, Pay off my debt, and SO MUCH MORE.

I’m Lindsay. And I coach women on Inner Story Work. I help women rewrite their inner story so they can live their Dream Life- NOW! What are you waiting for?

It’s almost midnight and it’s about to get good.

Keep Dreaming & Get Up Momma

What People Are Saying

Its almost midnight and it’s about to get good.

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